Specialist Doctors' Registration to the GMC-UK

Apply to find out your Registration Eligibility?

There are different ways to apply for specialist doctor registration with a license to practice in the UK. It directly depends on your qualification and experience. We will identify the correct application for you and will give you guidance on the steps you need to take.

Which application is right for you, we will inform you within 48 hours. In order for your GMC license eligibility to be evaluated by our expert team, it is sufficient to submit your application via SDU (Specialist Doctors to the UK) Online. Our guidance will help to make sure you make the correct application and you have all the information that GMC asks for. By doing this, we’ll be able to process your application more efficiently.

Ready to begin?

Apply for Eligibility Assessment

If you are a specialist licensed outside the UK, use our tool to learn your eligibility status to join the Specialist medical register of GMC.

Apply for Specialist Registration

Apply for registration with a licence to practise
(for who found eligible before)

Apply for Medical Training Initiative (MTI)

Option to work in the UK without exam for international doctors (residents)