Specialist Doctors' Registration to the GMC-UK

First of all, Specialist Doctors’ Registration to GMC-UK (SDR-UK) will make/have the documents you send translated into English by legally accepted institutions in the UK. Then, according to these documents, our experts examine on the basis of GMC criteria. It will then give you recommendations for the GMC application.

Get licensed as a physician

Applications made without eligibility process will cause unnecessary correspondence and prolongation of the process between you and GMC. The SDR-UK study solves this problem and helps you get licensed as a physician in the UK as soon as possible.

Assists professionals

SDR-UK is an independent organization that assists professionals from all over the world who wish to practice medicine in the UK. Specialist physicians are assisted upon their request for the GMC license they need to obtain. SDR-UK does not comment on any file without a request. It is not affiliated directly with any public institution, including the GMC.

It is a private organization established in the UK and has undertaken its responsibilities according to British law and legislations.


1- GMC recognized medical school:

Medical schools’ education program which their medical students receive must meet GMC standards. We check to make sure these standards are maintained by your medical school.


2- GMC-approved postgraduate curricula:

When assessing eligibility, we check whether your residency training curriculum meets the standards set by GMC. There are more than thousands of pages of documents to assess your specialist degree.


3- GMC-approved specialist degrees:

GMC approves 65 specialties. The names of some specialties differ from country to country, or the specialties in some countries may be divided into two different specialties in the UK or vice versa. For this reason, it is essential that your area of expertise is framed correctly before the application. According to the documents you provide on this subject, our experts evaluate your file.


4- GMC-approved sub-specialist degrees:

The GMC approves 31 sub-specialties. These are designed mostly by royal colleges such as the Royal College of Physicians. Differences in the definition of the target audience of some subspecialties in the provision of health services are also reflected in the training programs. For this reason, it is important that your sub-specialties is expressed correctly before the application. Based on the documentation you provide our experts will evaluate your file for compatibility with GMC-recognized sub-specialties.